Friday, December 18, 2009

How to clean stubborn cooking oil stains from oil cover?

Any suggestions on how to remove the stubborn oil stains on the oil covers (the metalish cover u place on top of pan when cooking to avoid spluttering all around). I've tried soaking in hot soapy water over night and still no change...How to clean stubborn cooking oil stains from oil cover?
Run them through a dishwasher.=)How to clean stubborn cooking oil stains from oil cover?
I do not like to advertise brand names usually, but to me, Cif lemon spray is the best thing sliced bread!

When I moved in to my flat the previous tennant obviously liked to fry - and not clean! The kitchen door was covered in old fat, and all the surfaces too.

I started with sugar soap but that did not do it. In frustration I picked Cif up and it cut through with no effort. Half a door took 3 days of scrubbing and rubbing and washing etc.

The second half with Cif took minutes!

The metallic cover is called a splatter platter!
Wow, they must be some pretty intense stains.

You many need a heavy duty cleaner to remove these stains. Try this… . It's designed for stainless steel appliances, but I think if you spray and let sit, this cleaner (which is non-toxic) will do a better job of breaking down those stains.

If that works, you may want to take measures to protect the shine. This polish… will help maintain the look and shine of all your steel pots and pans.

I hope this helped and good luck!
Dampen it with water, then sprinkle baking soda on it and wipe it off with a sponge soaked in vinegar. You can add more vinegar as needed.
Try using ';Jif '; %26amp; scrub on it. I find it very useful, use it to remove anything oily %26amp; dirty.
noxon or an y other metal polish should do it. you can also use oven cleaner, but i don't think it'll restore the shine.
try a dishwasher degreaser product

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