Saturday, December 26, 2009

What can you substitute cooking oil for?

Can I use butter or something instead or cooking oil?

For normal skillet entrees? Will it change the taste of the dish much?

It may be silly but I am scared of a fire risk when cooking with oil. (bad childhood experience)What can you substitute cooking oil for?
Hate to tell you this, but you run the same risk with butter as with the oil! You can use chicken broth. Just really keep an eye on it and add more as needed.

Wow! I just noticed your screen name. Are those your initals? They are mine!! AMZWhat can you substitute cooking oil for?
Butter burns easy and can make food taste bad. Use peanut oil, since it is tasteless, has one of the highest flashpoints and will not smoke as easily as other oils. You can also use nonstick skillets like Silverstone or T-fal that hardly need any oil at all.

It's not the oil you should be afraid of. It's exposure to open flame and/or leaving pans unattended. One of the worst offenders is bacon grease and dishes containing wine or alcohol. Keep a fire extinguisher near your stove - one that's specially designed for grease fires. Never put water on a grease fire. Most pan fires can be put out simply by putting a lid on the pot, but use caution. Ask your local fire dept if they offer any classes in home fire safety. I'm sure they'll be more than happy to assist you.
normally some people replace it with butter but a little amount of oil is a lot better for some reasons, why don't you use non stick pans it may help you i can't blame you from that experience that gave you a scare in using cooking oil,
Try cooking spray there is less in the pan. If you are only sauteing. There are quite a few good ones out there.

You can also get a spray can from the Bed Bath and Beyond (I think) that you fill with the oil and it uses less oil, less chance of it catching on fire.

I know what you mean though i have a few scary kitchen flambe experiences they stick with you!
A small amount of oil or butter will stop food sticking to the pan.

Cooking oil can be used in place of butter when baking, use 75%.

The risky part is using cooking oil for deep frying at high temperature.

This is especially dangerous on a gas range, use an electric fryer.
melted shortening is the substitute, but that would still create the same effect. best thing to do is stay away from those foods or hav some one else cook it for you such as in a restaraunt
Well, you can use something else, like butter or margerine.

But, you know there's just as much of a fire risk.
you can use butter, it works just the same

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